All classes are $140 per 10-week session. Payments accepted by cash, check, or credit cards payments (online only). We do not issue refunds for classes missed. Classes can be made up in another class similar to the class that your dancer is enrolled in.​ We do not issue refunds for a session once already registered but credit can be saved for a future class .
See our studio calendar for an overview of classes.
Every student must have a signed Liability Waiver to participate in class
Our studio is a safe and positive environment for children to explore their creativity and learn new skills. We welcome parents to sit and enjoy watching their child's class from the waiting areas.
What To Expect for Younger Classes:
Dancers can put their belongings inside our cubbies and wait for a teacher to escort dancers in their classroom. Dancers will always start class with a warm up followed by a lesson. Dancers will learn a new move across the floor each week and celebrate with a fun dance game! Dancers routine will remain the same throughout the 10 weeks to adjust dancers to a classroom flow. New moves and games will be taught each week to ensure dancers minds are always staying active and growing. Dancers will end class with a sticker and bows and will be escorted back out into the waiting room to meet parents.
Dance Class Etiquette:
dancers must wait in waiting room before classes begin until a teacher escorts dancers in
parents must use inside voices when classes are in session
door remains closed while class is in session
Please arrive on time for class
parents must remain in waiting room while class is in session
Friendly Reminders:
If a dancer has first time jitters, don’t panic, it’s totally normal! Teachers will do the best they can to adjust your dancer to class within the first few weeks!
If a class doesn’t seem like the right fit after the first few weeks feel free to see our front desk and we can try something new :)
We love dance class to continue running smoothly. If a dancer is misbehaving and affected the class we will kindly ask them to step outside the classroom until they have calmed down.
• Please be respectful of classes and other visitors, and keep conversation to a low volume.
• Please do not interrupt class by speaking to instructors or students during the class time.
• We also ask that other siblings watch from the waiting areas and not within the studio space while class is in session.
• In addition, students are not allowed behind the desk. Only Studio staff may go behind the desk or in the back closet.
• We also ask that parents and children try to avoid walking through the front studio when we have class in session.